RF24Network v1


Example of a sensor network. This sketch demonstrates how to use the RF24Network library to manage a set of low-power sensor nodes which mostly sleep but awake regularly to send readings to the base.

 Copyright (C) 2011 James Coliz, Jr. <maniacbug@ymail.com>

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <RF24Network.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include "nodeconfig.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "printf.h"

// Avoid spurious warnings
#undef PROGMEM 
#define PROGMEM __attribute__(( section(".progmem.data") )) 
#undef PSTR 
#define PSTR(s) (__extension__({static prog_char __c[] PROGMEM = (s); &__c[0];}))

// This is for git version tracking.  Safe to ignore
#ifdef VERSION_H
#include "version.h"
const char program_version[] = "Unknown";

RF24 radio(8,9);
RF24Network network(radio);

// Our node address
uint16_t this_node;

// The message that we send is just an unsigned int, containing a sensor reading. 
unsigned int message;

// The pin our sensor is on
const short sensor_pin = A0;

// How many measurements to take.  64*1024 = 65536, so 64 is the max we can fit in an unsigned int.
const short num_measurements = 64;

// Sleep constants.  In this example, the watchdog timer wakes up
// every 1s, and every 4th wakeup we power up the radio and send
// a reading.  In real use, these numbers which be much higher.
// Try wdt_8s and 7 cycles for one reading per minute.> 1
const wdt_prescalar_e wdt_prescalar = wdt_1s;
const short sleep_cycles_per_transmission = 4;

void setup(void)
  // Print preamble
  printf_P(PSTR("VERSION: %s\n\r"),program_version);
  // Pull node address out of eeprom 

  // Which node are we?
  this_node = nodeconfig_read();

  // Prepare sleep parameters

  // Only the leaves sleep.  
  if ( this_node > 0 ) 

  // Bring up the RF network

  network.begin(/*channel*/ 95, /*node address*/ this_node);

void loop(void)
  // Pump the network regularly

  // If we are the base, is there anything ready for us?
  while ( network.available() )
    // If so, grab it and print it out
    RF24NetworkHeader header;
    network.read(header,&message,sizeof(unsigned long));
    printf_P(PSTR("%lu: APP Received %lu from %u\n\r"),millis(),message,header.from_node);

  // If we are not the base, send sensor readings to the base
  if ( this_node > 0 )
    // Take a reading.
    int i = num_measurements;
    message = 0;
      message += analogRead(sensor_pin); 

    printf_P(PSTR("%lu: APP Sending %lu to %u...\n\r"),millis(),message,1);
    // Send it to the base
    RF24NetworkHeader header(/*to node*/ 0, /*type*/ 'S');
    bool ok = network.write(header,&message,sizeof(unsigned long));
    if (ok)
      printf_P(PSTR("%lu: APP Send ok\n\r"),millis());
      printf_P(PSTR("%lu: APP Send failed\n\r"),millis());
    // Power down the radio.  Note that the radio will get powered back up
    // on the next write() call.

    // Sleep the MCU.  The watchdog timer will awaken in a short while, and
    // continue execution here.

  // Listen for a new node address
// vim:ai:cin:sts=2 sw=2 ft=cpp
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